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With the customer and consumer - Emilio Moro

Commitment with the customer and consumer

For Bodegas Emilio Moro, our customers and consumers are the most important thing, so we strive every day to cultivate their feelings towards our brand. One of our fundamental objectives is to ensure your satisfaction through continuous improvement of our products and experiences.

We are committed to quality by defining and implementing policies aimed at generating, consolidating and improving processes, products and services, guaranteeing greater quality control and an increase in the capacity to create safe products that meet the established specifications and requirements.

We have a Quality and Food Safety Management System, based on the most demanding international standards: ISO 9001, IFS (International Food Standards) and BRC (British Retail Consortium).

We have reinforced our commitment to wine tourism with the Q Certificate for Quality Tourism awarded by the Spanish Institute for Quality Tourism.

We want to know the opinion of our customers and consumers, so we encourage their participation in the improvement and development of products and services. Knowing your level of satisfaction helps us to check quality and sales standards in order to improve the product and services we offer.

All claims and complaints received are managed and processed according to our internal procedure for managing incidents and complaints, and are resolved in their entirety. None of the incidences so far are related to the lack of safety and security of the product.

In line with our objective of promoting projects in favour of Corporate Social Responsibility, we reinforce our commitment to promote clear and objective communication on responsible and moderate wine consumption and its health benefits. Wine in Moderation is a unique coalition of responsible wine organisations that believe in a sustainable wine culture and is for all wine producers and wine professionals who want to communicate, sell and serve wine responsibly. In every commercial communication, we include the Wine in Moderation logo and we also respect the restrictions on content and media specified in the Code of Communication, which the wine sector, through the Interprofessional Organisation of Spanish Wine (OIVE), reinforces and extends to society through this Code of Commercial Communication of wine, which is a further step in the responsibility of the Spanish wine sector as a whole.

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