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With the planet - Emilio Moro

Commitment with the planet

We are committed to respecting, caring for and protecting the environment. Our strategies for caring for our environment are embodied in actions to reduce environmental impact and manage resources efficiently by incorporating renewable energy sources, minimising waste and improving the sustainability of our packaging.

The effort is recognised with the maintenance of certifications:

  • ISO 14001 Environmental management
  • ISO 14064 Carbon Footprint Verification
  • SWFCP, which is the first and only specific certification for the wine sector with regard to sustainability in the different dimensions: environmental, economic and social.

As a result of our commitment to the fight against climate change, we calculate and verify the winery’s carbon footprint derived from our activities, either directly or indirectly. The analysis is carried out and verified by an independent accredited entity in accordance with the requirements established in the UNE-EN-ISO 14064-1:2019 Greenhouse gases standard.

We also have a plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, in which we highlight measures such as the use of green energies with the installation of photovoltaic panels, the reduction in the weight of glass bottles and waste and effluent management. To help meet this goal, we have joined the Ecoembes Business Plan for Prevention, through which the annual packaging declaration is carried out every year.

Not only do we care for the environment, we also care for biodiversity. We are committed to organic farming. 16 of our hectares are managed according to good organic practices and with these grapes we make our organic and vegan wine La Felisa; we minimise the use of chemicals and phytosanitary products and plant cover in our vineyard plots.

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