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Corporate policy - Emilio Moro

Corporate policy

BODEGAS EMILIO MORO, dedicated to the production of grapes, the elaboration, bottling and marketing of wine and the provision of wine tourism experiences, is committed to achieving the highest quality, guaranteeing food safety, environmental protection and information security through the continuous improvement of its processes, products and services, and excellence in management.

BODEGAS EMILIO MORO, establishes and maintains an integrated quality, food safety, environmental and information security management system based on the ISO 9001, UNE-ISO 13810, BRCGS, IFS, ISO 14001, UNE-EN ISO 27001 standards as the basic principles of the organisation, providing the framework for defining and reviewing objectives. In order to achieve this, it assumes and promotes the following general principles that must govern all its activities:


    • COLLABORATE with all stakeholders, generating and maintaining relationships of mutual trust and respect, understanding and meeting their needs and expectations.
    • COMPLY  with the current legislation applicable to its activity, as well as all the commitments undertaken with the various stakeholders.
    • PRODUCE, MANUFACTURE, PACKAGE and MARKET safe, legal and authentic products.
    • OFFER UNIQUE wine tourism experiences.
    • ENCOURAGE employee involvement through teamwork, transparency, training, professional and human development and recognition of achievements. Employees are the greatest asset of Bodegas Emilio Moro.
    • ENSURE  the health and safety of employees and customers.
    • ENHANCE the culture of continuous improvement of processes, products and services and excellence in management.
    • DISSEMINATE AND MAINTAIN A PLAN TO PROMOTE A CULTURE of quality, food safety, environmental and information security at all levels of the organisation.
    • ACT ethically and transparently, in accordance with the Bodegas Emilio Moro values.
    • CARE FOR AND PROTECT THE ENVIRONMENT, developing activities in a respectful way in order to prevent pollution, committing to:
      • Identify and control the environmental impacts associated with the activities carried out.
      • Properly manage the waste generated, applying appropriate measures for reduction, recovery and elimination.
      • Quantify and reduce the consumption of natural resources.
      • Quantify and minimise the generation of greenhouse gases.
    • ACHIEVE ADEQUATE PROTECTION OF INFORMATION by preserving the principles of:
      • Confidentiality, ensuring that information is accessible only to those authorised to have access to it.
      • Integrity, ensuring the accuracy and completeness of the information and the processing methods.
      • Availability, ensuring that authorised users have access to the information and associated assets when required.
    • PROMOTE INITIATIVES that develop a commitment to Social Responsibility. CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY together with passion, tradition and innovation are the four fundamental pillars of Bodegas Emilio Moro.


The Management, 25 October 2022

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